Thursday, 30 April 2015

Fall with...Tag

So I got tagged by lovely Kasumi to do this post and to be honest, I quite like doing tag Q & A's :)
I'm not sure who to tag so whoever is reading this post I tag you, leave your blog address down below in the comments and I'll check you guys' tag post out ^__^

1. If you could fall for one of your eyebrows, left or right, which one would it be and why?
My left one, simply because when I pluck my eyebrows my left one always turn out nicer :D

2. If any celebrity could fall for you, which celebrity would it be?

Can't pick between these two hot ladies >.< 

3. If you could fall anywhere on earth where would it be?
Tokyoooo~ Everything there is just so kawaii and nice ^^

4. If you could fall into a jukebox and listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life what song would it be?

I love this song and anime to bits! This song is so soothing, calm and fun to listen to that it makes your mood all jolly upon the first listen ^^ I highly recommend this anime to everyone~

5. If you could fall into a movie, which movie would it be?
Rush hour. Who doesn't love comedy? In my opinion Chris Tucker can't do it any better - I feel like I have abs after having a Rush Hour marathon haha :P 

"Imma bitch slap you back to Bangkok", "god, y'all look alike", "i'm gonna bitch slap you back to Africa" - OMG, I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING RN! ;D

6. If you could fall back in time where would you fall back in time to?
September 2013 - everything would've been so different if only I had known how to handle things better. 

7. If you could fall and hit your head and lose a memory, what memory would you lose?
My childhood.

8. If you could fall into any season and stay in it all year around, which season would it be?
Summer~ I love summer; it's nice and warm and I can wear the pretty skirts and dresses that I'm never able to wear in any other seasons because its too cold in England >.< 

9. If you were going to fall into trouble, what would it most likely be?
Spending too much money on beauty products, not turning up to lectures and sleeping too much lol

10. If you were to fall into £1 million and you could spend it in one shop, what shop would it be?
Selfridges or Urban Outfitters. I love the urban vintage/skater kind of look from Urban Outfitters but also the lovely prints in selfridges e.g. Comme Des Garçons, Stussy, Supreme, HBA etc. - my favourite designer brands but too expensive for me :( 

I hope you all have a good day and if you're not, I hope the videos I posted cheered you guys up a little bit ^__^

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