Tuesday, 17 March 2015

My Natural Daily Makeup

As you all can see in my photos or from the posts I've put up, I don't wear a lot of makeup nor do I wear makeup daily - I simply don't think I need to and I'm just plain lazy haha >.<

What I consider as natural and minimal may not be to you so don't kill me if I claim something to be natural and you don't - you've been warned. If there's anything that I can't live without makeup wise and I can only pick one thing it would definitely be eyeliner; it can be in any formula I don't really mind as long as it's black eyeliner. I'm half Chinese so my eyes aren't really big but they're surprisingly not that small either so a little bit of eyeliner usually just enlarges slightly, but not much of a difference so I've been told by many people :) 
Most girls use face primers so that their face makeup stays on for longer, but I personally don't see a difference and I'd rather not add an extra layer to my face when I'm already going to do that with either foundation or BB Cream. As I've already mentioned, I'd usually apply foundation or BB Cream depending on the colour and condition of my skin at the time; when there's slight uneven skin tone I tend to use my BB or CC cream to fix it and then when I think my skin actually looks absolutely horrible, then I'd use foundation. For me, I don't have acne or any major skin problems (quite fortunate ^__^), so I just apply a very thin layer. At the moment, I currently use Skin79's Super Beblesh Balm (Pink) or Sleek Makeup's CC Cream in Fair or Bourjois Paris' Radiance Reveal Foundation in #52 Vanilla.

Nowadays I've started to experiment with bronzers just because I've always got a chubby face and so I'd want to contour my face a little bit. I use Makeup Revolution's bronzer - cheap yet does the job so win-win situation :) Most of the time I don't wear bronzer at all or even any face makeup.

My eye makeup is literally just black liquid eyeliner or more recently I've started to use gel eyeliners as it creates a sharper look. Eyeliner doesn't need to be highly expensive; as long as it's pigmented enough where you can actually see a difference and doesn't rub off easily then I consider it as a good quality eyeliner regardless of its price :) I'm using either Collection's Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner with Rimmel London's Glam'Eyes Professional Liquid Eyeliner on top for a bolder look as I feel the felt tip one to be slightly subtle, and actually look like I've done nothing to my eyes. On days where I have a bit more time I'd use my Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner. If I don't wear anything on my face which is 90% of the time, on the odd times where I do wear makeup, eyeliner is always what I have on ALWAYS! 

It's literally either Vaseline Aloe Vera as its soothing and actually moisturises my lips unlike the other ones I've tried of Vaseline. Although I heard a lot of good reviews about Carmex so I may purchase it after I've used up my tub as I've already tried it once, but never got round to buying it. I also use Rimmel London's Color Rush Balm in Drive Me Nude - see my review here

What about you guys? What do you wear on a daily basis? ^__^

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